Brand New sauce due to launch in just a few weeks.
We here at Vermont Harvest are thrilled to report that our next sauce is due to launch in just a few weeks. We are just waiting on our labels to be printed and then we will be ready to launch our newest and maybe even best sauce yet. That comes with a little hesitation because…
Gluten Free: Celiac Disease
So I am very happy to say that all except one product of mine is Gluten free. One of my favorite products which up until today was not gluten free is now gluten free. My fascination with gluten free has been ramped up because of a fellow Manufacturer Anna Sobaski, from Bread from Anna. Anna…
Although I am a bit nervous about this show because it is new and out in Texas, there is really nothing to worry about because our products rock. I guess I am nervous because it is such a large venue and it could really open up a can of beans. Don’t get me wrong, this…
Oh the winter blues!
Sure is cold this time of year in Vermont. We didn’t set a record the other night but it was between negative 20 and negative thirty degrees. This is usually the time we like to call the test kitchen period, but with he closing of the Vermont Food Venture Center on the 6th of January,…